
Anxious Shark Plushie

Created by Shannon Ariel

A soft squishable plush who really gets you.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Production is Underway!
about 1 month ago – Thu, Sep 05, 2024 at 09:16:26 AM

Hello everyone!
First I'd like to thank everyone for your patience!

Second, if you haven't yet, please ensure you fill out the survey on backerkit asap with your address, and if you wanted to add any additional items to your order. (if you wanted local pickup in the GTA or Peterborough, please choose "Local Pickup" under "Country" for your address. 

Production is underway!

I'm just finishing up the tags for the plushies and I can't wait to unveil them to you!

I have the final prototype sample, and I love him!
The only difference on the final vs the one you saw, is my signature heart, embroidered in blue on his side which you can see here.

Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions at all!

Surveys: Things to note!
3 months ago – Sat, Jul 13, 2024 at 09:22:46 AM

Friendly Reminders!
1. The "Local Pickup" option must be selected under the "COUNTRY" drop-down menu at your location/address. You can do this at the beginning, or "edit shipping info" at the end. 

2. Your add-ons from the initial pledge are already added onto your order and locked. You can add on anything additional if you'd like, or keep the order as is. (plus shipping if needed)

3. If you pledged more than your chosen reward, you'll notice a "negative credit" on your survey. If you'd like to utilize more of the already-pledged funds to get more products, please reach out to me directly. 

4. Shipping costs are calculated using the weights of items and the actual shipping cost per country via Canada Post. 

5. You will have until September to change your additional order or your address. At that time, I will send out an email letting everyone know I will be locking the orders soon and the cards will then be charged.

6. I will be reaching out to my custom drawing recipients within the next 2 months to discuss your drawings

If you have any questions or issues at all, please don't hesitate to reach out to me!

My email is [email protected]

4 months ago – Thu, Jun 13, 2024 at 03:31:01 PM


Wow, folks! We did it! 
Yay! We all get our sharks!!

Now that the campaign is over, kickstarter will be charging your cards for your pledges. After about 2 weeks, I'll be sending out a survey via Backerkit to finalize your information and your orders. This is where shipping will be caluculated and charged, and you'll be able to add on any extras if you'd like. 

For anyone in Toronto or Peterborough, feel free to choose "local pickup" so you can save on shipping costs. 

And a friendly reminder that you won't be able to get your plushies for 3-4 months, but I'll be sure to send you updates along the way!

I'll be placing the order with the manufacturer as soon as the money hits my account in 2 weeks. 

For those who have pledged for a custom shark drawing: 
I'll be out of town for a few days, but once I've returned and am settled, I'll be reaching out to all of you to start collecting your ideas for them! 

Thanks again, everyone! 


4 months ago – Wed, Jun 12, 2024 at 09:26:56 AM


There's only 21 hours left in the campaign, and we're only $339 left to make our goal!

Friendly reminder that Kickstarter is all or nothing, and we have come TOO FAR to stop now!

Let's get this final push and WE CAN DO IT!!!
We are ALL Anxious Shark right now!

Halfway Update!
5 months ago – Wed, May 29, 2024 at 09:17:40 AM

Happy Wednesday everyone!

We are officially halfway through the campaign, and we are 57% funded! The pledges keep coming in, but we're not there just yet!

I really want to make sure you all get your Anxious Shark plushies, and I have faith that we can make that happen! I need your continued support through sharing and word of mouth to help make sure we reach our goal! 

Make sure to follow along via my IG to watch the progress if you want to see live updates daily! 

Thanks again everyone! We can do this!!!